Shannon Curry Hartmann
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To market, to market to buy a fat pig Home again, home again, jiggity-jig
Until the late 1400s, the word, girl, meant a child of either sex.
This series investigates how two close friends have played and connected for over a decade. One of them wears mascara in these photos. One sings at the top of her lungs. There is dirt under some fingernails. And there are grins. Of pleasure. Of mischievousness. Of recognition.
“What’s more representational than a shadow on the floor? Or a square?” - Ellsworth Kelly, 1997
Using collected / re-used / recycled materials as well as graphite and paint, this series reflects an ongoing exploration of ‘the representational’ as well as positive and negative space in drawing.
Using collected / re-used / recycled materials as well as graphite and paint, this series reflects a process impacted by loss.